Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I can be the joy

Waiting for joy to come may take forever.  

I truly believe that the parents who proclaim the joy their child brings are being authentic. I know what it is to feel the joy children can bring, having loved mothering our three boys.  Many parents who have adopted do not struggle with finding the joy their child brings to their lives.  It is wonderful to know that it does happen. 

I am no longer waiting for the joy to happen. I am going to make the joy; I am going be the joy.   It is not for my daughter to bring me joy in life but for me to be available to be joyful for her.  Ultimately for all my children I would like to be that place they know as safe, loving and solid.

Since I am not a perfect mother I do not always show my happy face.  I can guarantee that when she has had her 5th melt down in a morning during a week of difficult mornings I will not be the portrait of grace I aspire to be.  I will try to be a happy feature in our home, most times. 

"Joy is a net of love, by which you can catch souls" ` Mother Theresa

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